02 February, 2015

Outdoor Sketches...

Susil's first post for the year,
Infact the first blog post after the dawn of a new phase of life...
(Union of KJN photography and Susil's Canvas)

Thirupathi - Sapthagiri check point (Nov-2014)
That was during a week long trip to Temples after our wedding.
Divine Darshan...New Hopes and Dreams to Realize...

On the way to meet Lord Balaji (Black pen on paper)
Kodaikanal- Chettiyar Park (Jan- 2015)

While our parents were chit chatting and my better half was clicking Susil captured this scene in about 20 minutes.

Trip to Kodai (pen and pencil on paper)

Kanyakumari (Jan 2015)
A quick sketch using oil pastels...
The sea and the sea bed were naturally the best canvas and the sun came out from the clouds splashing colours
I was spellbound by the beauty and scribbled quickly in order not to miss the sun's performance.
Sunrise... Sea view 

-Susithra Naveen @ Susithra Soodamani-

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