22 December, 2015

Premam Dancing Angel... Musical Pallavi

Malayalam movie, Premam fame, Sai Pallavi
Her character, Malar in the movie was incredibly simple yet she was graceful and looked gorgeous An actress from a medical background and a profound Dancer...
Sai 'Pallavi' & Malar are just as beautiful as Music & Love
(Graphit Pencils on Paper)

-Susithra Naveen-

03 November, 2015

Outdoor Sketching Trip- Kanyakumari

Weekend Trip to Kanyakumari
(August 2015)

Outing trip.. Sitting on a shore rock facing the breezy sea and watching the waves dance, dash, rock and roll.. Wow!!

What a performance by the Waves..Vah! (Charcoal and pen on paper)
 While my better half was clicking photos and making calls, it was time to quickly click with my pencils
My Stylish Hero (Charcoal and pen on paper)
A long drive ... weekend relaxation
Pleasant Sunset time... Kanyakumari Highway...Paddy Fields..
Fantastic time and place to sketch...

View from Highway at pre-dusk (Pencil on paper)

-Susithra Naveen-

Outdoor Sketching Trip - Senkottai Tirumalai Kovil

Trip to Senkottai Tirumalai Kovil with NWC
(May 2015)

That was a more fulfilling trip than we had expected. Art lover Susi and Nature  &  photography lover Naveen set out for their participation with the NWC (Nellai Weekend Clickers) for the first time.

Weather was incredibly awesome that particular day in the month of summer May. Unlike our belief that the trip will be under scorching sun, sun hid behind clouds and made our entire travel cool and romantic.

That was a hillock and the view from the temple located on the hillock was a pleasant green carpet.
As soon as we reached the temple, nature welcomed us with breeze and drizzles.

Susi quickly sketched the view from the parking space

We then travelled in and around Erumai Chaadi Aruvi, Adivinayinaar dam road and Mekkarai

It turned out to be like our candid wedding shoot where the NWC clickers took snaps of us, watching picturesque scenes around us, walking in the paddy fields, chasing the cattle herd, posing on a tractor and gazing the clouds and hills.

Senkottai Tirumalai Kovil (Charcoal on paper)
A lovely trip and an awesome climate that came as a blessing

-Susithra Naveen-

02 September, 2015

Fun with Pastels - Love at first sight

(Another unposted work from the drafts)

First Pastel Work


It was fun working with a new medium...
Running my fingers over the colours while trying to bring in effects was sheer joy..
The first time I use the pastels ... I fell in love with them ;)
Love at first sight :D 

-Susi Naveen-

Trip to Jurong Bird Park Singapore

(Very old post found in my draft posts...unposted and forgotten
posting this blog page after a long time... )

December, 2014
Trip to Jurong Bird Park Singapore

We had wonderful time watching the pranks of variety of birds living in their own environment set up and maintained so realistically by the park authorities/team, got to know their favourite food and we also got chance to feed Peacocks, Lorikeets, Orioles and Starlings. We watched the 'high flyers' bird show where the birds played, performed actions as instructed and parakeets sang songs and counted numbers.

It was eternal joy watching the birds in such a scenic ambiance... and it provided loads of frames to capture with eyes, camera lens and pencils...

Live, quick and simple sketches using graphite pencils and black pen on paper

Swans in the pool 
A pool 

Tree houses set for the high flyers show

Charcoal and chalk pencils on paper

Susil's first Acrylic on canvas
(Photo courtesy - KJN Photography)

-Susithra Naveen-

29 July, 2015

Long Live Dr.Kalam's Teachings!

Bharat Ratna Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam

The noble missile man known for simplicity and selflessness. True Inspiration to Young India next to Swami Vivekananda.

He inspired and lived his passion for teaching all the way till his last breath and he flew away from us during his last speech at IIM Shillong. Now the massive student community is at loss of a guiding lighthouse.
The aged young man’s words to his close aide Srijan Pal Singh, “One is blessed when one can die working, standing tall without any long drawn ailing. Goodbyes should be short, really short” became true when he bid us a very short farewell on 27th July 2015.

He stood to his words in his book “The Wings of Fire”,
“I am a well in this great land
Looking at its millions of boys and girls
To draw from me
The inexhaustible divinity
And spread His grace everywhere
As does the water drawn from a well”

This reminds me of a ThiruKural,

ஊருணி நீர்நிறைன் தற்றே  உலகவாம்
பேரறி வாளன் திரு

And it means...the knowledge-wealth of a benevolent educated man is like a pond in the centre of a town that benefits the people living around.

Also, as a Kural says,

வெள்ளத் தனைய  மலர் நீட்டம் மாந்தர்தம்
உள்ளத் தனையது உயர்வு

(The height of the water in a pond determines the height to which the water plant’s flower would grow, similarly it is the height of ones thoughts that determines the height to which one aspires to reach in life) He held his thoughts high; he held his belief on our country’s young generation very high, and that is why he reached the pinnacle of glory and also touched the top of everyone’s heart.
Every individual of the current generation must be privileged and proud to have shared the living space on earth with this mighty visionary and role model. His insights expressed through his wonderful words and poems will remain in our hearts….

நன்கு கற்றால் செயல்திறன் பெறலாம்
செயல்திறத்தால் ஆக்கபூர்வமான எண்ணங்கள் பரிணமிக்கும்
ஆக்கபூர்வமான எண்ணங்கள் அறிவுக்குச் சக்தியாக மிளிரும்
அந்த அறிவு நம் வாழ்வை வளமாக்கும்
-ஜெஅப்துல் கலாம்

He is Immortal for his words will kindle our spirits forever as a virtual mentor and he lives in our hearts. His dreams will come true, the mission will live on and that will be the true tribute to the priceless Soul. Let his soul rest in peace and almighty shower all blessing for his eternal journey to the heavens.

I salute to the Grand Mentor… Long Live Dr. Kalam.

A small tribute from your humble student....

(My first portrait using Pastels)

Susithra Naveen

02 February, 2015

Tribute to Cartoonist R.K.Laxman

R.K.Laxman is one of the most influential artists Susil looks upon as a source of inspiration.

Laxman passed away recently but his cartoons and the impact created are immortal in the hearts of His Common Man !

His characteristic portrayal of 'The Common Man' in his humorous and satirical cartoons were abundant with creativity and laughter.

Indian Ink on Paper

-Susithra Naveen-

Outdoor Sketches...

Susil's first post for the year,
Infact the first blog post after the dawn of a new phase of life...
(Union of KJN photography and Susil's Canvas)

Thirupathi - Sapthagiri check point (Nov-2014)
That was during a week long trip to Temples after our wedding.
Divine Darshan...New Hopes and Dreams to Realize...

On the way to meet Lord Balaji (Black pen on paper)
Kodaikanal- Chettiyar Park (Jan- 2015)

While our parents were chit chatting and my better half was clicking Susil captured this scene in about 20 minutes.

Trip to Kodai (pen and pencil on paper)

Kanyakumari (Jan 2015)
A quick sketch using oil pastels...
The sea and the sea bed were naturally the best canvas and the sun came out from the clouds splashing colours
I was spellbound by the beauty and scribbled quickly in order not to miss the sun's performance.
Sunrise... Sea view 

-Susithra Naveen @ Susithra Soodamani-