02 December, 2013


Next on the line of celebrity sketches...The Two Precious LEGENDS

Both are 40+  (just a number) ... but their fame and contribution to their sport lasts forever...agelessly
They were in the news recently because of historically important events.. Quite nostalgic too ..

Chess Champion Vishwanathan Anand couldn't establish his victory over a 20 yr old challenger
(I won't say he was defeated) 
and Little Master - Cricket Super Star - Sachin Tendulkar's retirement 

Chess Master -Anand
(Pencil Sketch  in my Scrapbook)

Cricket Master - Sachin
(Water colour pencils and Brush pens on A3 Scrapbook paper)

After a series of pencil sketches, Susil took out the colours and brushes to splash them on the canvas

Art is joy ... 
-Susithra Soodamani-