14 January, 2013

Kumki Pongal...

Kumki movie is still in Susi's wish list
The awesome cinematography is evident from the picturesque posters and advertisements
(I would watch it 'soon')
and the heroine....wooh...Susi loves her expressions, also in her debut film Sundarapandian

Pongal special.....
This was an advertisement in the newspaper and the lighting tempted Susi to sketch and make it as profile picture 

the making of Kumki 

Medium: Charcoal on paper, smudged using cotton buds :)

Happy Pongal! :)

-Susithra Soodamani-

08 January, 2013

Goddess Annapoorni

Goddess Annapoorni-  the Goddess of Nourishment.
Annapoorni Devi
(Charcoal pencils on paper)

She reminds me of Bharathi's lines

தனி யொருவனுக் குணவில்லை எனில் 
ஜகத்தினை அழித்திடுவோம் !

and Annapoorna Devi gives the solution

ஒவ்வொருவனுக்கும்  'அளி'த்திடுவோம் :) 

sounds good :) 
