This is Susi's 1st oil painting made on canvas cloth (used by tailors :D )
...a trial without any knowledge as to how to use the medium...(8th or 9th std if I am right)
Learning phase...
learnt oil painting on canvas board from an Aunt in neighborhood who teaches art and craft
Tried one during holidays...Village scene ....a splash of colours the trees and cows are cool :)
Smt. Velammal-Founder of Velammal Educational Trust ...
Susi made it for Chairman M.V.Muthuramalingam Sir and gave it to him on my 2nd year college day
took quite a long time study the photo and make ...but enjoyed making the second portrait after GURU
Susi's most favourite ...Lord Ganesha!!
Pillayarappa...Kappathu pa!!
Enjoyed making the red gradient in the background.. :)
(Oil on Canvas paper)
Fresh Roses...the fastest one Susi ever made using oil...
almost 2 hours to do it...i had been to CANVAS (the real canvas !! ) workshop at M.C.H.School ...Siva Sir was there ...he gave me a book which had similar one made in water color medium ...
few folds of cloth and the cool colours in the jar amazingly came out well to some extent
Om Shivaya ...Parameswaraya..NamaOM!!
Oil on Canvas paper

Poster Design made for our ECE department's Technical Symposium-RACE 2010